Commands & Features
General Commands
m?invite → Invite the bot to your server.
m?bug → Found a bug? Report it with this command.
m?help → Get the bots command menu.
m?info → Get information about ModBoat
m?ping → Get current bot ping.
m?roleinfo → Display information about mentioned role or ID.
m?serverinfo → Get information on the current server.
m?stats → Provides some details about the bot and stats.
m?suggestion → Got a suggestion to improve the bot?
m?support → Sends link to our discord server.
m?userinfo → Get information on a mentioned user.
Moderation Commands
m?addrole → Adds a role to someone
m?ban → Bans a mentioned user. Currently does not require reason.
m?disable → Disables a command for this server
m?enable → Enables a command for this server
m?hackban → Bans a user that isn't in the server.
m?kick → Kicks a mentioned user. Currently does not require reason.
m?check → Checks the guild for any user accounts younger than the minimum account age.
m?mute → Text mute someone. - m?conf set roles.muted (muted-id)
m?purge → Purges a certain amount of messages w/o filter.
m?removerole → Removes a role from someone
m?softban → Softbans a mentioned user. Currently does not require reason (no mod-log).
m?unban → Unbans a user.
m?unmute → Unmutes a muted user.
m?warn → Warns a member.
Self Roles Commands
m?iam → Gives a selfrole to you.
m?iamnot → Takes away a selfrole.
m?selfrole → Manage selfroles for this server.
Self Roles Commands
m?iam → Gives a selfrole to you.
m?iamnot → Takes away a selfrole.
m?selfrole → Manage selfroles for this server.
Settings Commands
m?antiinvite → Manage Anti Invite auto mod config.
m?welcome → Manages welcome/greeting messages for this server.
m?leave → Manages leave/goodbye messages for this server.
m?modlogs → Configures modlog settings.
m?prefix → Set or reset the prefix for this server.
m?starboard → Manages starboard configuration for this server.
m?userconf → Define per-user configuration.
Utility Commands
m?afk → Sets your afk status.
m?announce → Announces something to a role.
m?avatar → Returns someone's profile picture or yours.
m?poll → Creates a poll.
m?remindme → Creates a reminder.
m?topinvites → Shows the top invites in a server.
m?trigger → Manages word triggers for this server.
© ModBoat - by .etc#6666